St. Margaret Mary School provides the best possible Catholic education in a faith-filled, safe, and happy environment while fostering a love for God, self, and others. The administration, faculty, and staff encourage peacemaking, self-discipline and learning through a variety of experiences that will lead to well-rounded individuals who will become future leaders in our church and responsible citizens in the world.
We Believe...
● We believe that we must provide an excellent religious and academic education in a Catholic environment.
● We believe that we must help each child grow in faith, knowledge, and sense of service to the community within and outside the school.
● We believe that self-esteem, self-discipline, a spirit of cooperation, and a desire to learn are values we must encourage and incorporate into our curriculum and foster in our multicultural school community
● We believe that teachers are partners with parents, who are the primary educators of their children, and we are entrusted to provide a successful and faith filled learning experience.
● We believe that evangelization is a part of our mission to our Catholic families, our parishes, and our families of other faith traditions.