Thanks to our friends at eCatholic as well as our dedicated faculty and staff, parishioner Harris Boyce, and parishioner Jim Capp we have given our website a much needed upgrade. We are excited to bring you an organized, logical online resource to find all the information needed concerning St. Margaret Mary School. We don't claim to be perfect, so if something is missing or there is a mistake, send us an email in order for us to make corrections. We would like our new website to be living, breathing and always updated with new information and content. It takes a little time and A LOT of effort to get in right, so please be patient as we navigate to make our new site awesome.
For questions, concerns or issues, please send us a NICE email to [email protected]
Let's hear from Grace Fox, St. Margaret Mary Class of 2024
The secret to your child's success is NO secret
Parental involvement improves your child's chances of getting the very most out of any educational institution and pays you back ten-fold. The St. Margaret Mary School PTO supports our school by fostering a spirit of school community among parents, faculty and students.
We urge you to roll up your sleeves and volunteer to help us! Check the calendar for opportunities to help and to spend some time with your children. They love seeing you for that extra time and your positive role model impacts us all. Together we can give our children all they deserve.